What are the default settings of the Paris 48V Ebike?

Have you changed the settings on your ebike and want to set it back?


Last Update 5 months ago

How to change the settings back to the default on the Paris 48V Ebike

Sometimes curiosity gets the best of us and we start tinkering around with settings to maximize the performance of the ebike. The settings that come standard are the optimized settings on the Paris 48V ebike to be beneficial for everyone. In the case you changed the settings and want to go back to these settings you will have to do the below steps.

Accessing the advance settings on the Paris 48V Ebike

Presumably if you already changed the advance settings on the Paris 48V you wouldn't need help getting back into them. But lets just assume you do need a refresher for this. 

1) To access the Paris advance settings first make sure that the ebike is ON. For more information on turning on the Paris ebike check out the turning on my ebike section. 

2) On the display of the Paris press and hold both the Plus[1], and Minus [2] buttons for a few seconds until the display starts flashing P01

To change each individual setting on your Paris 48V ebike, quick press the Power[3] button to go into the setting and then press the Plus [1] or Minus [2] button to change it up or down. 

Default settings for the Paris 48V

Here are the default settings for the Paris 48V

P01 - 02

P02- 01

P03- 48

P04- 10

P05- 0-5

P06- 26.0

P07- 50

P08- 00

P09- 00

P10- 02

P11- 02

P12- 03

P13- 12

P14- 20

P15- 40.0

P16- 00

P17- 00

P18- 01

For a video on accessing your Paris 48V advance settings.

Things you should know about the Paris 48V advance settings.

For starters, this display, and advance settings are only on the newest version of the Paris 48V, if you have an older version you will not be able to configure your ebike as such. 

And most importantly;

Changing these settings without knowledge on how ebikes work can actually harm the ebike, so we recommend only doing so if you are an experienced user.

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